About Us

Landis+Gyr ranks as the worldwide leader in electricity metering with a preeminent position in advanced or "smart metering systems" - an essential component in global efforts to upgrade energy distribution systems and enable power to be distributed more efficiently and reliaibly.

Advanced Metering Infrastructure

One-stop-shop range of hardware, software and proven communication technologies all linked into a seamless Advanced MeteringInfrastructure for multi energy solutions.

Communication Technology

Communication solution in PLC, PSTN, GSM/GRPS, Zig-Bee or radio-mesh to ensure reliable integration of metering point into Advanced Metering systems .

Smart Grid

Making the smart grid vision real by linking demand response options, time-of-use and critical peak pricing with load control disconnect and customer notification technology.

Electricity Meters

World class range of meters for all segments with and without communication. High precision meters for grid metering. Extended functionality including prepayment.

IT systems and MDM solutions

IT systems for the acquisition, evolution and processing of metering data. Hardware, Software turnkey projects, end-to-end solution and ASP services.

Gas Meters

Conventional and electronic gas meters, prepayment modules and functionality, offering a variety of communication and billing methods.

Personal Energy Management

Real time transparency regards consumption, cost and environmental impact. Load shedding devices and load management solutions to manage demand response.

Heat Meters

Heat and cold meters with ultrasonic technology for superior measurement accuracy and longer life, Easy integration into multi-energy AMI.

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